6 Techniques to Orchid Growing

You are reluctant to take care of their plants? Are not you afraid laborious process of learning how to grow? Well, growing orchids is not as difficult as it sounds! Many of them are easy to grow if you take the time to learn what they need. But do not think that orchids are the same as other plants in pots.

Most Epiphyte, which means that they do not grow in bahnyutsi, but clinging to tree bark. There are some orchids that are semi-terrestrial and grow in clay soil sex in the jungle.

Orchid growing is not really difficult, just different from traditional methods of caring plant we used to. With the right care, orchids can bloom for several months each year. Good care of orchid requires basic knowledge about orchids and how they grow.

People use different methods for growing orchids. These methods range from the laboratory breeding orchids easy ways for novice gardeners.


Growing orchids from seeds best left to professional producers. Orchid seeds are very small and this factor is very difficult to manage under normal conditions. sterile conditions are also needed to spread through seed.

Meristem tissue culture

The technique used in mass production hybrid with some commercial. This is done in laboratory conditions that extreme cleanliness and sterility also requires that all attempts failed. In the center of new growth growing budget adopted and raised stirring constantly in a special fluid, rich nutrients. It happens to the cell mass is large enough to be divided into small parts, which are then or plants and the process repeated to produce more tissue in culture.


Some people divide, and orchids fill mixture. This often happens when the orchid in its pot tightly. You basically divide the plant into two or more parts, each new leaf growth. Divide the plant are often encouraged to do vigorous new shoots with better than if left alone. Not only that you have orchids, but attract new, vigorous shoots on the plant origin.

Back Bulbs

This process requires the full withdrawal of bulbs that have either already returned unflowered flowers. This shock is the parent plants and bulbs that keep food or water in the dry season.

This is a great way to increase your stock a variety, but it is also a slow way, if the size of flowering plants is required. This method is often used Tsymbidium and will take three to four years to build plant in flower size from one lamp ago.


Keiki is a small plant that grows on the site kvitkonizhky, which in normal circumstances, the new field is growing. These products are manufactured Moth Orchid halyard or more nodes along the stems. When two or three roots develop, they can be removed with a sterile cutting tool. Then the roots can be repotted.

Air cutting

This includes the removal of the plant to maturity of the parent plants. This method is often used for cultivation of Dendrobium. 3:57 They take months to develop roots and can be separated and repotted.

10 Top Orchid Growing Tips

1. Maybe one of the best advice on growing orchids, I can give you is to read and study what orchids you're going to buy before you buy. The reason is that there are many different varieties and many of them have different requirements. So better make sure you can provide the proper conditions before to buy orchids.

2. Try to water for watering your orchids in a similar environment temperature factory is located in. Tap water is often too cold for them. So think ahead and keep the water already when necessary. This would avoid some spots on the leaves, what to do when email dies.

3. Make sure when you spray the plant orchid plant will not be direct sunlight on the leaves and flowers. This will prevent burn the letter or damage to flower.

4. Be very careful what you buy orchids. Make sure the leaves are fresh and do not look stressed. Come closer and make sure that there is no evidence of staining and discoloration of leaves or errors for that matter! If the plants bloom, they can come to the end of flowering period, so it might be better to find an approach flowering or you may have to wait a while repeat flowering.

5. Provide adequate light is one of the most important points of orchids growing. Plants need sunlight, but not in direct sunlight usually blossoms. So if you have a plant that blossoms not try to put in a position where it receives more sunlight.

6. All orchids are divided into three types of growth. There are those that grow on the host, which usually have a living plant as a tree can be. Then we have orchids that grow directly on the ground and those that grow in places such as rocks. It is important to know what type of orchids so you can restore the natural environment.

7. If you do not have region, which provides enough light to your orchids, you can use artificial lighting. Sort who likes to artificial light Phalaenopsis.

8. Air circulation is necessary for most types of orchids. Do not place them in projects to achieve optimal results.

9. Make sure you understand the need for watering your orchids is important. Most orchids do not require much water at all, usually once a week, a very general rule. If roots are too wet and standing in water, roots will rot and kill the plant. So make sure drainage is good in the bank to prevent it.

10. Orchids need moisture to the core. You can create by adding a small plate halechnykov or small stones in the bank. Put a small amount of water, the plant will absorb the moisture it needs.

There are hundreds of orchids growing tips that some of the most common issues that arise regularly. You learn by doing and make you leave the plant, take time to identify their needs and you will not get far from the truth.

Orchid Growing Tips for Beginners

Growing orchids can be tricky unless you know what you're doing. If you want to grow beautiful plants, there are a few tips for growing orchids you need to know. Some of these tips focus on correct watering, temperature, fertilizer and light. This article will share some tips for growing orchids with you.

Watering orchids early advice more and more attention is paid to irrigation. How often do you water your orchids depends on the type, temperature and season. In general, you should water every 10 days. Make sure that you have no water several times a week, because you'll kill the roots.

The right temperature temperature upcoming Orchid growing tips. Ideal temperature for most species of orchids are between 60 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Some orchids require a period of reflection in the beast, so they can grow flowers. You must know your specific type of orchids you proper temperature control.

Fertilizer for orchids growing next point is about fertilizers. In general, you should apply fertilizer to your plants once a month. If you do not use enough fertilizer may stunt the growth of your plants and possibly prevent the flowers grow. If you use too much fertilizer can burn roots and leaves and blossoms brake.

Proper illumination light is one of the last orchid growing tips. Leaves of plants should be green. If leaves are dark green, the plants not getting enough light. If they are red and green, they receive too much light. Such species as Phalaenopsis and Paphiopedilum should have less light. They should be placed in a window facing north or moved away from windows.

Here are some of orchid growing advice you need to know. Make sure you water your plants too much, or you could kill the roots. You can also damage the roots, using too much fertilizer. Try to temperatures between 60 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit.